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Royal Holloway,


Ecole Hoteliere Lousanne,


VIA University,



King's College,


University College London,



University of the South,


It just seemed as surreal as it was. Am I really here? In America, in one of the most enchanting campuses? Sewanee - The University of the South! How did I get here? Faith, will, work, the Klein family scholarship, and of course a little "magic", as I met my good fairy "godmother"...or Magic Mentor as you know her.


What is her magic? She won't do the work instead of you but it will help you in becoming your own version of best possible superhero. During our meetings, Silvi gave me a picture of my wide range of opportunities, we looked at the rankings together, we picked the right universities and wrote not just my Personal Statement and reccommendation together, but also all my extra essays.


However, the best part is that our work together gave me a lot more than just a successful gave me a big sister who was with me all along my senior year and who is still keeping track of my studies and is helping me wherever she can. She even came to visit me in Nashville!


So if you want to be your own superhero as well.. you are in the best place. I strongly recommend the Magic Mentor for everyone who is thinking about studying abroad and needs help. You will find it here - and much more!

It was the beginning of the summer of 2013, to this day I remember my first encounter with Silvi. At the beginning she clarified that we can work together successfully only if I take our project as seriously as she is. This direct, open attitude was present throughout our time together. Although it seemed a bit alien at the beginning, I quickly realized that this was a prerequisite for what she guaranteed.


She was present at every step of my application, from the choice of countries and universities all the way to the offers and then finally the hard job of choosing my course. She approached everything from points of view I would have never thought about. She told me her opinion, but left the decisions to me. In addition, she has a pragmatic attitude, believes in long-term planning and always  takes account of current trends. After I finally started Royal Holloway's Bsc Economics, she was still there when I needed any help. As such, it was just logical to me that
after 3 years, I turned to her again for my Masters application.

We started from a disadvantage as it was already a bit late, but nevertheless, with a tighter schedule we re-started the Magic Mentor program that she has developed and she assured me that everything will be all right. Silvi turned out to be right again, as I got multiple offers from top universities, including my top choice  Warwick Business University for their MSc Business (Consulting) degree, for which I am extremely grateful!

I think that working with Silvi is not for everyone, but those who are committed and really want to succeed will not find anyone better. 

I thought that becoming an adult means becoming independent and that as independent individuals  we are no longer supposed to look for help from others, we can take our own decisions and nobody tells us what to do and how to do it. However, this is far from being as simple and enjoyable as  thought of before. Today I can see that without help I would have never gotten to the amazing place in my life where I am now. That is why I am very grateful to Silvia, the Magic Mentor who I "inherited" from my London School of Economics alumni big brother and who, during my last year of high school, was not only a mentor but also a good friend. She supported and encouraged me in every possible way.

The meetings, phone calls and Skype conversations with Silvi made me not just excited, but they also convinced me to be positive  and not afraid of the future. Moreover, through them  I have come to believe I can do it. Silvia's professionalism in my case was an indispensable help, and thanks to our work now I am one of the lucky students of the elite École Hotel de Lausanne. Silvia, however, not only got me into to the EHL, but as a representative of many Swiss schools, also gave me a wide choice of other great options. 
After high school we have  countless opportunities that we do not even think about or just simply label as impossible, but they are often not. You just need a to find a way of how to get there and this is exactly what the Magic Mentor does. More people like Silvi would be needed, experts, who are capable of stimulating students and creating a range of opportunities for them. My dear younger brother and everyone who is  deciding what to do with your lives: do not just dream, ask for some Magic Mentor help to get there!


We started working with Silvi when I did not even know what I wanted to study, I only knew that I wanted to do it in Denmark. With my boyfriend back then, we chose Denmark, because there is a renowned interest in education and most universities are free of charge for European students. Of course, with Silvi, we have come up with the best courses I have been interested in and the best universities in the country. In October, I wrote a letter of motivation in which she gave me perfect guidance and many great ideas about on how to write it and how to boost my profile in order to raise the interest of the universities. Then we prepared for the  IELTS language exam together.


Silvi is patient, energetic,
she created a friendly atmosphere when we worked together and last but not least, she is a highly motivating person! Whatever my question was, Silvi always found out the answer and I could always count on her, even in personal issues, such as my breakup. In the middle of May, I received the much anticipated letter of acceptance from VIA University College for Marketing Management, which was my first choice. Of course, I was very happy, but also for her being with me all that time. I can still count on Silvi today, for example, she helped with my university paper. To sum up, besides all the perfect mentoring, I found a true friend at the same time! P.S.: She is now also mentoring my little sister and I could not be any happier that we have her in our lives!

As an economist from Russia, I had to put up with bartending for years after I moved to London. Hearing about Silvia from my cousine Ekaterina who just moved in with me from Hungary to start her International Relations course at King's College here in London gave me hope. However, to be honest, I did not really believe that I could be good enough to get into any eleite UK university, let alone for an HR Masters, which is a far cry from my previous studies! Then, I also doubted that any top university in Europe would recognize my first degree from's quite funny and absurd to think about the fact that all those hurdles and problems of mine  were eventually solved by someone who I only got to meet in person at the end of our work celebrate my unconditional offer from King's College! Up until then, Silvia was my cyber mentor, help, motivation, source of faith, who pushed me not just to believe in myself but also to keep the agreed deadlines despite my busy work schedule. I would have given up so many times without her! Or in fact, I would not have even dared to start this mid-life career change! She would always tell me that where there is real will, there is always a way..THANK YOU!

From the U.S., London seems impossibly far away. However, ever since I've watched the first Harry Potter movie, I just knew that I wanted to go to college somewhere like Hogwarts! I loved the atmosphere and I admired the accent!

The foggy Albion, however, remained just a distant unavailable fantasy and I already gave up on it when I bumped into Silvia during a university fair in my hometown in Texas. She was there as the representative for some Swiss university and despite her splendid American English I immediately spotted her mild European/British accent. We bonded over our love for Europe and country music and the rest is history...

Fast forward one year and I am writing those lines from my dorm room in my very own Hogwarts. Silvia hasn't just helped me to get into the best universities in the U.K., but perhaps even more importantly, she managed to convince my very traditional parents to allow me to hop continents. This way, I am living my dream and perhaps just as importantly, I am paying way less for my degree than I would back in Texas.


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